Apples:lemons - 1:0
January Daring Bakers challange was all about lemon meringue pie.. I hate meringues and lemons in sweet dishes so my hope was lost since first moment of getting the recipe.
But I did dare and as easy to imagine my lack of faith was heavy in consequences. Innocent as above might seem, it turned out to be inedible. Soaken gummy crust, lemon cream melting, chewing gum-like meringue...
At least I learned a lesson about cooking against your taste ;)
To cheer the climate up a bit I made an apple pie using my mum's invincible recipe. Maybe it was my innate love for apples, maybe just family wisdom but when our little cousin, speaking only Czech, visited us for a piece of "Szarlotka" he managed to muster all his school skills and afirmed: This cake is best!
And that made up for all my lemon bitterness.
I'm sorry your lemon meringue pie wasn't the success you wanted it to be. However your apple pie looks divine and I'm sure it was wonderful to eat.
Natalie @ Gluten A Go Go
awe =( am sorry your lemon meringue failed you ..That apple pie on the other hand looks amazing. Kudos for still trying the recipe !
It's such a surprise to see how many bakers don't like lemon meringue pie. But here in America I've observed that on average men really like lemon meringue pie. As for myself I prefer Apple Pie also, particularly my own apply pie, which only uses 1/2 cup sugar and a butter crust. I'm glad to see you made it anyway.
Sorry it didn't work out for you - but at least you tried!
I have no pie prejudice - I'll eat them all :) Sorry it didn't work out of you though I admire your effort!
Sorry the LMP didn't work out for you! Glad the apple made up for it!
Oh, sorry it didn't work out for you! Good for you for trying, though!
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