
I love basil. Sadly I do not posses a plot of land in Tuscany where I could grow my own under Italian sun. My own balcony has to do instead...
I never bother sticking to the original receipe. Green aromatic leaves are essential - the rest is up to the moment. This time I took brazilian nuts, sunflower oil and young pinkish garlic...

It's a pity I can't snap the smell on my camera :(

It's no use saying what you can do with pesto... I can eat it on its own even. But most often I have it on toasted rye sandwich. With tomato of course.

And speaking of tomatoes - the season for the cherry cute ones is high!!!!

Uwielbiam pesto :-) bardzo smaczny blog - obslinilam klawiature ;-)
dziękuję :) dopiero się rozkręcam więc polecam zaopatrzyć się w chusteczki...
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